One Day Intensive Executive Development Program on "Equity Mutual Funds for Wealth Creation" - JKSHIM

Sep 18, 2019

A Mutual Fund (MF) is a Trust that pools the savings of numerous investors which are then invested in a diversified portfolio by professional fund managers to achieve a desired investment objective. MFs are increasingly becoming popular in India and fast emerging as the retail investor's most preferred investment vehicle. MF industry in India began its journey with the establishment of UTI in 1963 and thereafter public sector, private sector and foreign institutions were allowed to set up MFs in India. The MF industry has grown steadily over the years and fared very well with the growth in Assets Under Management (AUM) of more than 13 % during the last 10 years and the future seems to be even brighter due to India's robust growth story, rising income levels and higher savings rate. Now, there are more than 40 players with the AUM of over Rs. 25 trillion in around 85 million investor accounts spread across various asset classes. There are a plethora of MF schemes and options available to cater to the needs of every individual investor with regard to his/her financial position, risk tolerance and return expectations. Even if the MFs are an excellent choice for the investors to have an exposure to the equity markets for wealth creation, its penetration in India is very low due to lack of awareness and knowledge among MF distributors and investors. This program is intended to provide the participants with the domain specific knowledge and practice points about the various aspects of equity MFs right up to actual investing and helps mutual fund advisors and investors to be more successful. Program Contents This program imparts radical ideas that will enable the participants to completely transform their financial life

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